PGT पदों के लिए उम्मीदवारों / आवेदकों के अनुभव प्रमाण पत्र के काउंटर हस्ताक्षर के संबंध में निर्देश जारी :--
As you are aware that fresh 'Haryana State Education School Cadre(Group-B) Service Rules, 2012' have been framed by the department and the samehave been notified in the Haryana Govt. official gazette (Extra-ordinary) on11.4.2012. In the above rules in the Appendix 'IT a provision has been made atNote 1 as under:-
"That in case of direct recruitment the teachers working inprivately managed Government aided, recognized and Governmentschools, are exempted to acquire qualifications of passing HTET asdescribed in column 3 if they have worked as a teacher for a minimumperiod of four year on the date of enforcement of these rules. However,the said exemption is as a onetime measure and the said category ofteachers on their appointment shall have to qualify HTET by not laterthan 1st April 2015, otherwise their appointment shall standterminated automatically without giving any further notice."
The Haryana School Teachers Selection Board, Panchkula has advertisedposts of PGTs on 7.6.2012. In the above mentioned advertisement Note 3 beengiven which is reproduced as under:-
"Note 3:- One time exemption certificate for HTET/ STET & one timeupper age relaxation certificate from Head of the Institute isrequired to be verified by DEO & counter signed by Directorof Secondary Education of the concerned State. One timeimplies that an applicant can apply only once for a particularcategory of post in the first advertisement. No such exemptionwill be granted in the subsequent advertisement."
As per the above Note one time exemption certificate for HTET/ STET andone time upper age relaxation certificate (experience certificate) of thecandidate/applicant from the Head of the Institute is required to be verified byDEO & counter signed by Director of Secondary Education of the concerned State.
It is therefore directed that one time exemption certificate for HTET/ STETand one time upper age relaxation certificate (experience certificate) of thecandidates/applicants issued by the Head of the Institution in case of allexperience certificates issued from any school in your jurisdiction (Govt./Govt.Aided/Private schools including CBSE/ICSE affiliated schools) be verified on thebasis of the record and a dispatch number be given for authentication/verification.However while verifying these certificates a separate register be maintainedindicating therein the complete details of the candidates and a copy be retainedand a copy of the certificates verified must be immediately e-mailed to theDirectorate on the same day for official record and reference when the papers areplaced before the Directorate for countersignature and to preclude tampering andforgery.